Clinics & Services
Thursdays 13.00 - 17:00 at Mendlesham - Not currently offered.
Run by the Community Midwife. Appointments are made via reception. The midwife is contactable at Gilchrist Birthing Unit, Eye on 01379 870600.
Well Baby Clinic
1st Thursday of the month 13.30 - 15.00 at Mendlesham - Not currently offered.
Run by the Health Visitor. An open clinic for which no appointments are needed giving an opportunity for weighing babies and toddlers, seeing other parents and discussing issues and concerns with the Health Visitor.
A specialist counselling service is available through the practice. Referral is via your doctor.
Run by Practice. Appointments are sent out from the Health Centre.
Family Planning
Routinely with your Doctor.
Contraceptive Implant fitting offered by Dr Ford. Coil fitting offered by Dr Evans, Dr Ford and Dr Jennings.
Children’s immunisations are given by the Practice Nurses. Invitations for these will normally be sent out to you. If your child is overdue for immunisation and you have not heard please contact the surgery. Adult immunisations can be arranged with the nurses at other times. Please make an appointment.
Practice information leaflet - please follow the link to find out more